Daily Answer Writing

Dear Aspirants, Mains examination is the spine of the entire UPSC examination. It can make or break your chances of getting in to the service. Answer writing practice is the most basic and fundamental aspect with regards to mains preparation. The more you write, the more it will help you in the Mains examination. Considering the importance of mains exam, we at Vishnu IAS Academy has decided to come up with an initiative that will help you to ace your mains preparation. We are proud to inform about our FREE DAILY ANSWER WRITING PROGRAM. We will be posting one question on a daily basis at 10am. The aspirants are requested to submit the answers before 7pm on our official Answer Writing Group. The model answer will be available on our official app ‘Vishnu IAS’ by evening. The evaluated answers with feedback will be posted on the Telegram group itself.

We are proud to inform about our FREE DAILY ANSWER WRITING PROGRAM. We will be posting one question on a daily basis at 10am. The aspirants are requested to submit the answers before 7pm on our official Answer Writing Group. The model answer will be available on our official app ‘Vishnu IAS’ by evening. The evaluated answers with feedback will be posted on the Telegram group itself.

Basic Rules:

Answers should be written on plain A4 size paper with borders on all 4 sides.

  1. The answers should not cross beyond 3 pages.
  2. An extra 4th blank sheet should be there along with answer sheets for us to give the feedbacks.
  3. All the 4 sheets should be send as a single Pdf doc.
  4. Answers should be posted before 7pm.
  5. The handwriting should be legible enough for the ease of evaluation.
  6. The name of the candidate should be written on the top right corner.
  7. Any other posts, chats or content apart from the answers will be taken down immediately without any notice.
  8. Upload the file in the format of : NAME-Date (E.g. ABCD-05-06-24)
  9. Answers to questions apart from the ones that we post won’t be entertained.

Violation of any one of the above rules will be considered as invalid and hence won’t be evaluated.

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