PSIR Optional for UPSC CSE 2024
- Comprehensive Coverage of Syllabus in 120 days
- Discussion on Previous Years Questions (PYQ’s) on Every topic
- One to one Mentorship
- Personal Evaluation and Feedback
- Regular coverage of current issues of relavance for PSIR
- Complete material covering every aspect of the syllabus
- 8 Sectional Test and 2 Full Length tests
Fee Details
ONLINE Fee: 40,000/-
OFFLINE Fee: 45,000/-
Why choose PSIR?
PSIR has emerged as one of the most popular optional subject for CSE (mains) Serval factors have led to this trend
- Rich and varied content
- overlap with other common paterns related to the both general studies & ethics
- recent high sucess rate of the optional
How popular is PSIR?
Right from the changed pattern of CS exam, PSIR continued to be a popular optional
- 2016 - 1320 candidates have appeared CSE(mains) with PSLR an optional and 85 consider for services
- 2017 - 1246 have appeared with PSIR and 117 were considered for services
- 2020 - 1863 have appeared with PSIR and 154 were considered for services
Why PSIR emerged a favorite choice?
A combination of reasons made PSIR the most popular optional
- it is background neutral
- it is adds value to a candidate's preparation in every paper in the mains
- it has a symbiotic relationship with a candidate's preparation for current affairs PSIR contritutes to one'sp reparation of current affairs and in turn enriched by it
- rich content makes the subject very intresting
How much does PSIR help in GS?
Almost every paper has topics that co-incides with PSIR syllabus
- Paper 1 Modern Indian History, India after independence, World History
- Paper 2 entierly coverd in PSIR
- Paper 3 serval topics related to indian economy
- Paper 4 concepts and thinkers related to ethics
What is success rate in PSIR?
Continues to show a high success rate consistantly from 2017 onwards howering round 9-10%, more importantly this is significantly higher compared to 2014 to 2016
- 2015-5.8%
- 2016-6.4%
- 2017-9.4%
- 2020-8.2%
This success rate is quite high owing to the volume of students who choose PSIR for CSE (Mains)
Rankers Testimonial