
What is Project-75?
  • The Project 75I-class submarine is a follow-on of the Project 75 Kalvari-class submarine for the Indian navy. 
  • In the late 1990s, around the time of Kargil war, a three-decade plan took shape for indigenous construction of submarines. 
  • It was known to have two separate series of submarine building lines – codenamed Project 75 and Project 75I — in collaboration with foreign entities. 
  • Under this project, the Indian Navy intends to acquire six diesel-electric submarines, which will also feature advanced air-independent propulsion system. 
  • This is for enabling them to stay submerged for longer duration and substantially increase their operational dates. 
Submarines commissioned till date

 The submarines in the current Kalvari-class take their names from erstwhile decommissioned classes of submarines named kalavari. 

  • It included Kalvari, Khanderi, Karanj and Vela class — which included Vela, Vagir, vagsheer. 
  • Two submarines of the ongoing project, Kalvari and Khanderi, have been commissioned into the Indian
  • The third submarine, Karanj, is in the last phase of rigorous sea trails. 
  • The fourth Scorpene, Vela, has commenced her sea trials, whilst the sixth and last submarine, Vagsheer, is being readied for boot together. 
Strategic importance of these submarines
  • India currently operates one submarine each in nuclear-powered Classes of Chakra and Arihant and in addition to 14 submarines belonging to three classes of Diesel Electric category — Kalvari, Shishumar and Sindhughosh, some of which are ageing. 
  • nuclear powered and diesel-electric submarines have their designated roles in the Carrier Battle Groups, which are formations of ships and submarines with Aircraft Carriers at the lead role. 
  • As per the basic principles of submarine deployment and the minimum requirement for India to create a strategic deterrence, there is a specific number of submarines of both types that India needs to have in active service. 
  • Currently, India has less number of submarines than what is required with some more of those from both types being at various stages of construction. 
Classes of Submarines in India
  • In maritime terms, a class of ships is a group of vessels which have the same make, purpose and displacement. 
  • In the Navy and Coast Guard in India, the ships belonging to a particular class are named in a specific manner. 
  • Many times the names have the same first letters, prefixes, similar meanings or the names belong to a particular type of words for example names of cities, persons, mythological concepts, animals, rivers, mountains, weapons, etc.
  • The class is generally named after the first vessel in the category. In some cases, a particular class of vessels takes their names from an earlier class of vessels which are now decommissioned. 
  • Like Kalvari – which means Tiger Shark, Vagir has been named after a Sand Fish, a predatory marine
  • Khanderi has been named after an Island Fort built by Chhatrapati Shivaji, which played a key role in his Navy. Karanj has also been named after an Island located South of Mumbai. 
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