What is the ASEAN?

In response to escalating tensions among the post-colonial states of the Asia-Pacific, a regional organisation called the Association of Southeast Asian Nations was founded to advance political and social stability.

“One Vision, One Identity, One Community” is the ASEAN motto.

Asean Day is observed on August 8.

Jakarta, Indonesia hosts the ASEAN Secretariat.

Member Countries

  • Indonesia
  • Malaysia
  • Philippines
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • Brunei
  • Laos and Vietnam
  • Myanmar
  • Cambodia


to quicken social progress, cultural advancement, and economic prosperity for a thriving and peaceful society of Southeast Asian nations.

to advance peace and stability within the area by upholding the UN Charter’s tenets of justice, the rule of law, and fairness.

to encourage active cooperation and reciprocal help on issues of shared interest in the sectors of economics, society, culture, technology, science, and administration.

to work together more efficiently in order to increase the use of agriculture and industry, their trade, the development of transportation and communications infrastructure, and the enhancement of people’s quality of life.

to advance research on Southeast Asia.

to continue working closely and profitably with current international and regional organisations.

The core values of ASEAN as outlined in the 1976 Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC)

Mutual respect for each country’s territorial integrity, national identity, and rights to independence and sovereignty.

the freedom for every State to live out its own national existence without outside intervention, subversion, or interfering in one another’s internal affairs.

the peaceful resolution of disputes or disagreements.

giving up using force or threatening to use it.

effective collaboration amongst them.

ASEAN and India

  • The cornerstone of India’s Act East strategy and a major tenet of her foreign policy is her connection with ASEAN.
  • In Jakarta, India has a separate mission to the EAS and ASEAN.
  • With ASEAN, India has had a dialogue partnership for 25 years, summit-level interactions for 15 years, and a strategic partnership for 5 years.

ASEAN is India’s fourth-largest trading partner in terms of economic cooperation.

  • Around 10.6% of all trade between India and ASEAN is being conducted with this group.
  • 11.28% of India’s total exports go to the ASEAN region. The free trade zone between ASEAN and India is finished.
  • The ASEAN India-Business Council (AIBC) was founded in 2003 with the goal of uniting the major players in the private sector from India and the ASEAN nations.
  • Socio-Cultural Cooperation: Initiatives to promote People-to-People Contact with ASEAN, such as inviting ASEAN students to India, providing ASEAN diplomats with a special training programme, exchanging legislators, etc.

Funds: The following Funds have offered financial support to ASEAN nations:

  • India-ASEAN Cooperation Fund
  • Indian S&T Development Fund for ASEAN
  • India-ASEAN Green Fund

Declaratory Statement from Delhi: To highlight maritime cooperation as the primary area of collaboration for the strategic alliance between ASEAN and India.

The Delhi Dialogue is an annual Track 1.5 discussion on political, security, and economic matters between India and ASEAN.

The mission of the ASEAN-India Centre (AIC) is to do policy research, advocate for causes, and engage in networking with groups and think tanks in India and ASEAN.

Political Security Cooperation: In its Indo-Pacific vision of Security and Growth for All in the Region, India placed ASEAN at the centre.

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